Hello my sweet readers,
I've decided to make some personal changes. Firstly I am getting my hair done on Friday and I want it to reflect a new style and give me a confidence boost - whilst still maintaining my individuality. Keep an eye out for a blog post about the new do... :)
With a new makeover in tow, I also want to try new things in May. I feel like I'm living my life in the slow lane, so I think that incorporating new habits will be a good step in the right direction.
Fitness: As I mentioned in the 2018 goals and plans blog post, this year I want to change my attitude towards fitness. I'd like to lose weight and tone up. Therefore, I want to take up yoga. I aim to do it every day, every morning for at least 20 - 30 minutes. I'm going to try to wake up at 6:30 so it gives me adequate time. I think that it'll make me feel better both physically and mentally, so I am really excited to give it a go.
Reading: I really want to read more. Being in a reading slump takes the fun out of reading. I haven't had the urge to pick up a book and read in a long time. I think the more I spend time online the less I feel like reading. I know, how sad. I'm currently reading a self help book - but reading actual novels just doesn't call to me at the mo. I guess I just need to pick out a novel from my bookshelf and just read, read, read.
Writing: I love writing, which is why I am blogging. However, I like writing stories. I haven't written in ages and so now is really the only time I can start doing it again before I just never end up doing it due to procrastinating.
Astrology: This is one of my passions, and I really want to know more about it. I use Tumblr for good sources of information and it's a fun way to educate yourself on the subject. Although for me, I just read the posts casually and what I want to do is to memorise it and be able to help others with my knowledge. One day I'd like to give out astrological readings and stuff like that.
The News: I don't read the news often enough and I think it's very important to keep up to date with what's going on in the world. I'm going to read or watch the news every morning and make a habit out of it.
Decluttering: Okay, you probably don't know this but I like hoarding things. I am very sentimental and find it hard to part ways with my belongings. I want to change my habits here and just learn to let go of things that I no longer need or use, even if it has sentimental value. This includes my wardrobe. However I did get rid of a lot of old clothes a few months ago which was a start! Now I'd like to change my style but if I get rid of everything I'll have nothing left haha. So, once I'm in shape I'll buy some new articles of clothing and get rid of some old stuff.
Personal Style: I have always struggled with my personal style. I have never really worn anything that remotely resembles an actual style. For the past three years I have gotten better with styling but overall it's still not great. I have an idea of things I like, especially as I have Pinterest to help me out with ideas. My main issue was my weight. I am not where I want to be, so I have always held back with buying anything fitted and attractive. Having thunder thighs sucks but with a new fitness routine I am sure I'll be fine in a few months time. In terms of a specific style, I don't have one preference. I like many things from girly, gothic, casual, smart, witchy, posh - you get what I mean... so shopping for outfits is generally difficult. The goal is to start small.
Social: I am an introverted person and find solitude in being alone most of the time. However that doesn't mean that I am a hermit and hate seeing people. I just prefer alone time to relax and recharge. My goal is to make time for my existing friends and make new ones from my new course. What I'm trying to say is that I want to become more social and stop being so secluded from the world.
It looks like I've set myself some pretty long aspirations but they're long term so that's fine. There's no need to cram them all together in a month, phew!
Thank you for reading. If you feel like incorporating some change into your life, I encourage you to do so.
Charlotte x
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