De-cluttering & My Path to Minimalism

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Since we're all in lock-down due to covid-19, it's really given me the chance to reflect on my life and how I'm living it. I currently possess a lot of "stuff" and it's driving me round the bend. Also, when we're able to go out again and work it'll be time for me to move.

Knowing that you have to pack is when you see everything you own and how much excess is just lying around. I admit, somewhat ashamedly, that I haven't been on my A-game when saving money. This is a big wake up call, and therefore from now on I'll be living frugally. I'm going to start living under my means because for too long I've been spending money when really it should have been put away in savings. When I did try to save, I would end up chipping into it little by little and then in the end I'd be left with there bare minimum. No more.

It's time to change my ways and be more responsible. Every little shopping trip or takeaway for socialising took away the pennies from my bank account - when in reality it's best to try and keep those things to a minimum or try to do things for free, such as having a picnic in the park or something. I mean, who in their right mind who works part time earning minimum wage would be silly enough to not save properly. Hi, it's me.

For a little while I've been watching people on YouTube who are minimalists and live a more simple lifestyle. It's a very appealing lifestyle to me, which I want to try and emulate.

I think having the discipline is really important, which is what I lacked. I think we learn best when we make the mistakes because then we can change our behaviour and not do those things again.

I'll be attending university in the autumn term which means for at least 3 years I'll be student so I will definitely have to be sensible with money. Yes, I'll have debts but I'm pursuing higher education for a career and not just to "have a degree" - I certainly wouldn't have done that. The university is in a new town, in a new county, much further away. So that means cost. Money for travel, maybe a two trip process. But because I've learned the hard way I won't make that mistake again. It's best to have money as a backup. I mean, nobody knew a pandemic would strike for us to get the message but here we are. Learning to be grateful is also really important in this process.

I'll be keeping you all updated on my minimalism journey and writing blog posts on tips on how to achieve it, as I continue to learn and find my own tricks.

But first, de-cluttering is the first hurdle. Sorting through everything may take a lot of time but it'll feel good when it's all done. Selling items is a good idea but the current timing is very unfortunate. I'm hoping I'll be able to sell some stuff before I move otherwise I'll have to find a way to transport it.

Have any of you tried being minimalist or would you find it too restrictive? I'd love to hear your opinions on it. Thank you for reading today's blog post and until next time,

- Charlotte

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