My Favourite YouTube Channels

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Hey everyone,

I really enjoy watching youtube videos from time to time, so I thought I would share some of my favourite channels. I won't list every one in this post because there are just so many.

Beauty & Lifestyle

When I first started watching YouTube videos I gravitated towards beauty channels mainly because I was a young teen and loving things about fashion and makeup. Nowadays I love watching people who have a broader spectrum of content. 

"Anastajia Louise" - Anastasjia is such a lovely soul. I also follow her on Instagram because she posts the loveliest photos. Her channel is a mix of things but is under the lifestyle umbrella. I find her relatable because she is an introvert like myself. Also, her style is definitely goals. The fact that she also loves astrology means she's definitely one of my favourite YouTubers.

"Bella BambinaxX" - Theres something I really like about watching day in the life videos, which Aimee does so well. I really enjoy watching Aimee's videos because she is real and down to earth.

"Melanie Murphy" - From lifestyle to food videos, she is varied with her content. What I really like about Melanie is that she is friendly, relatable and isn't afraid to voice her opinons.

"Kiera Rose" - Kiera's videos are aesthetic goals. She is so sweet and down to earth, and she also posts videos about veganism which I find particularly interesting.

True Crime

So many people are interested in watching true crime videos and that's no different for me. It's just so fascinating to read about different cases and hear other people's opinions and theories for the mysteries. 

"Eleanor Neale" - Eleanor's true crime videos are interesting to watch and she tells the information in the most coherent way. She also does videos on other topics such as beauty and lifestyle for example.

"Danelle Hallan" - Danelle specialises in true crime videos and she is very good at what she does. What's also brilliant is that she has her own merch and donates the money to the families of the victims - it's admirable to say the least :)

"Georgia Marie" - Her videos are always so well thought out in addition to giving her opinion on the theories at the end. Although she is a lifestyle channel, she posts true crime videos every Wednesday.

Books & Reading

I love reading and for a long time I was watching the BookTube community to feed my interest. I loved getting book recommendations and hearing other peoples opinions on books and characters.

"Megan Olivier" - I've been a long time follower of Megan. I really enjoy the way she talks about books and is very personable in her approach.

"The Book Life" - Sarah-Jane is the kind of person who makes you want to read. She is passionate about her favourite books and is just wholeheartedly kind. She is also in the process of writing her own novel which is really cool.

"Thoughts on Tomes" - I enjoy watching Sam's videos because we have the same interests in books. I get good recommendations from watching her channel. Also, she's just so lovely and it shows on camera for sure.

Witchcraft & Occult

I absolutely love anything occult. I have been fascinated with it for many years and always love knowing more about the subject. There is so much to learn but it's so worth it. Here are some channels that have been helpful and interesting to me.

"Harmony Nice" - Harmony is a Wiccan witch, and I truly love her videos. She posts different topics in addition to witchcraft, such as her paranormal experience story times. She is so unique in her style which I think is really great.

"Bridgette Love" - Bridgette does numerology videos as well as tarot. She was the first person who I found on the subject of tarot and numerology. She has a calming and soothing voice, and gives very accurate readings. Definitely check out her channel!

"Whackowitch Astrology" - I love Penny's videos. She knows her stuff so it's always nice to hear what she has to say on the different astrology topics.

"The White Witch Parlour" - When I first searched witchcraft videos on YouTube, I stumbled upon Jenna's channel. Her videos are inspiring and makes me want to start my witchy journey (I do have some tools such as incense and crystals so far so that's fab).

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. Don't hesitate to let me know down in the comments who your favourite YouTubers are. Until the next time!

Charlotte x

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